
Demolishing Vacant Homes: Viable Option or Mistake?

Posted by Braden Kowalski // September 22, 2014

Is tearing down vacant properties really the best option for neighbors, local government, or any other party in the mix? Thousands of homes are being demolished by municipalities across the United States. Many are happy about it, but could it actually be counterproductive? What may be a better solution for everyone involved? 18 Million Empty […]

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6 Important Real Estate Education Lessons from Zillow

Posted by Braden Kowalski // September 16, 2014

What does Zillow’s latest round of financial data teach real estate companies, business owners, and independent professionals? Zillow’s recent acquisition of Trulia has captivated the real estate industry media headlines. It’s a big, bold move, and the impact will be seen over time. There is a lot for business owners and independent professionals to glean […]

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